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400GSM Micro Mink Blanket Throw with Sherpa Reverse 180x200 cm Latte
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The Supremely Soft 400GSM Micro Mink Blanket Throw with Sherpa Reverse 180x200 cm is an easy addition to any home that will add a stylish touch to your bed or sofa but most importantly it will give you warmth and comfort on cold winter nights. It features a solid colour design in vibrant colour hues of ivory and latte that will easily complement a variety of styles for any season. It is made from durable and wrinkle resistant polyester fabric with easy care properties.
- Solid Colour Design
- 400GSM
Set Includes:
- 1 x Blanket - 180 x 200 cm
- Polyester
Care Instructions:

- Machine washable
- See label for detailed instructions before first use