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The Hand Crafted Beaded Cushion Cover 45 x 45 cm will make a stylish and comfortable cushion that add colour and accent to a couch, sofa, or bed. It features a stunning embroidered design with unique hand made detailing, embellished with appliqué work that resembles a patchwork and the shiny sequins add glamour to the overall design. Random beaded pattern due to hand made design. It is made from soft to touch 100% Cotton fabric with easy care properties.
- Embroidered Detailing
- Appliqué Work
- Shiny Sequins
Set Includes:
- 1 x Cushion Cover - 45 x 45 cm
Colour Information:
- Forest - Forest, Silver, Gold, Brown, Burgundy, White
- Orange - Orange, Silver, Gold, Brown, Burgundy, White
- Polyester Blend
Care Instructions:

- Cold hand wash
- See label for detailed instructions before first use.