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Lala Loopsy Jewel Polyester Cotton Sheet Set Single
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Give your little princess the comfort she deserve in her bedroom with this Lala Loopsy Jewel Polyester Cotton Sheet Set. A complete bedding set that features princess Jewel Sparkles, the most graceful princess in Lalaloopsy Land with adorable cats and butterflies accent printed in Pink, Hot Pink, Green, White, Yellow, Black, and Brown colour tones. It is made from high quality and soft touch Polyester Cotton blend fabric.
- Princess Jewel Sparkles Print Design
Set Includes:
- 1 x Flat Sheet
- 1 x Fitted Sheet
- 2 x Standard Pillowcases - 48 x 73 cm (One Pillowcase for Single)
Sizing Information:
- Single - Flat: 160 x 254 cm / Fitted: 91 x 200 + 35 cm
- Double - Flat: 230 x 260 cm / Fitted: 137 x 200 + 35 cm
- Polyester Cotton
Care Instructions:

- Machine washable
- See label for detailed instructions before first use.