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XtremeKineitc minimal shoes, using latest 3d knitting technics to combine shoes and socks together (fly knit technology) with thermo plastic rubber bottom for anti slippery, suitable for exercise in the gym for deadlift, squat, excellent for indoor exercises like yoga, HIIT, Bodyattact, Bodypump and barre attach, keeping body in balance with Better gripping power than bare feet during training exercise, avoid direct contact with harmful germs on the floor, also absorb sweat and bad foot odour, also suitable for walking around home or beach. our product is 100% designed in Australia |

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Item received in a quick period of time and as described. I have it up and running for our business and it is amazing. Happy with the product and the seller. A++
Thanks guys. Very fast delivery. Loving the steam deck.
Battery life on this mobile is the best I’ve had from any brand.Does everything I need it to do at a fraction of the price of the big guns.Very Very Happy.
Sadly I thought the battery was not part of stick. To have to charge battery separately not a wall attachment. This makes it heavy and has a storage issue.
The canister is too small and messy to empty.
All in all not too impressed.
Absolutely perfect for what I needed it for. Cheers