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The UL-Tech Wireless Bullet Camera is as hardy as it can get. Plus the capability to capture 3MP full HD images makes it ideal for security systems use. It has 2 megapixels resolution and comes with a 1/3" CMOS image sensor with a built-in IR-CUT filter. The camera supports P2P technology with high efficiency H.264+ video compression. It has a IP66 waterproof rating and can be used outdoors or indoors with minimum hassle.
1) This camera cannot work alone, it must connect to UL-Tech NVR(App name: Tseye) with available camera slot.
2) Tsepe app cameras not compatible Esscloud app suit.
3) This camera is 3MP, which is not suitable for NVRs with a resolution of 1MP or 2MP, otherwise there will be a problem of displaying resolution too big on the screen.
3MP full HD
Wireless connection, real plug and play
High efficiency H.264+ video compression
Support P2P technology
High resolution cameras with Built-in IR-cut
Indoor and outdoor use
Easy to install
Refer to gallery for detailed specifications.
Package Content
UL-tech 3MP Wireless Bullet Camera x 2
12V/1A Camera Power supply (cable 1.2m) x 2
Set Mounting Screws x 2

This product comes with 1 year warranty
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