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M Outdoor Dog Mat Quick Dry - Green Pet Cooling Pads Outside Mattress AFP
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The All For Paws Quick Dry Outdoor Dog Mat is perfect for going outside. You needn't worry about your pet getting it wet, as it dry's super fast with it's plastic noodle mattress that keeps the air flowing. Also, it keeps your dog cool when he is taking a nap.
Made out of a durable material with a teflon shield to withstand the outdoors. Easily cleaned and dried.
Available in sizes small, medium and large.
- Quick Dry Mat
- Springy plastic noodle for more comfort and cleanliness
- Easy to clean
- Keeps dog cool
- Removable cover
- Teflon shield to repel water, oil and stains
- Allows airflow
- Easy carry handle

- Weight: Approx. 1.65Kg
- Dimensions (cm): (L) 75 x (W) 50 x (H) 6
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