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310TC Fusion Cotton Percale Sheet Set Ivory King
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Finished in a smooth, crisp percale weave this easy care 310TC Fusion Cotton Percale Sheet Set Ivory is durable, breathable and will soften after every washing. For your health and general well-being, a perfect night's sleep is one of life's essentials. With a set of beautiful and comfortable bed linen, you can really unwind and recharge your batteries at the end of a long day. Reassuringly well made you'll sleep better knowing that we have carefully tested our bed linen to make sure that it measures up to our highest standards of quality.
- Solid Colour Design
- 310 Thread Count
Set Includes:
- 1 x Flat Sheet - 260 x 274cm
- 1 x Fitted Sheet - 180 x 203 + 40cm
- 2 x Standard Pillowcases - 48 x 74cm
- Cotton
Care Instructions:

- Machine Washable
- See label for detailed instructions before first use