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Get an extra sleeping comfort with Air Soft Fully Fitted Underlay. The Underlay that feels like you are sleeping on a cloud. Since a good night's sleep is essential to good health. This Airsoft mattress topper can transform your sleeping experience. It is breathable and fully fitted with generous 40cm Jersey skirt Wall, made from four hole fibre to allow moisture and air to pass through and promotes air circulation and enhance support. It is covered with Cotton Cover, fully machine washable for easy care.
- Machine washable
- Dust mite resistant
- Low allergy
- Quilted design
Set Includes:
- 1 x Underlay
Sizing Information:
- Single - 91 x 190 + 40 cm
- King Single - 107 x 203 + 40 cm
- Cover : Cotton
- Insert : Synthetic Fibres
Care Instructions:

- Machine Washable
- See label for detailed instructions before first use.