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Bambury Botanica Embossed Glacier Coverlet Set Queen/King
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Botanica Embossed Queen / King Sized Coverlet Set by Bambury is a very popular alternative for dressing your bed, instead of using a heavy quilt cover. These printed or plain Coverlet Sets are machine washable and include two pillowcases. They feature a quilted texture on the surface which is made by embossing intricate patterns onto the surface fabric, with a lightweight fill in between the front and reverse sides. The Botanica design features a beautiful tranquil leaf pattern and comes in a variety of colours.
- Leaf Embossed Design
Set Includes:
- 1 x Queen/King Coverlet - 260 cm x 240 cm
- 2 x Pillowcases - 48 cm x 73 cm
- 100% Polyester
Care Instructions:

- Machine Washable
- See label for detailed instructions before first use.