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Index Cutting Board Set 3P with a Holder Kitchen Stand Fish Chopping Board

Giorno Felice Index Cutting Board Set 3P with a Holder Kitchen Stand Fish Chopping Boards
Experience a new culinary dimension with our Korean-made Index Cutting Board 3P with a Holder set that redefines hygiene, organization, and style. Ideal for food lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, and kitchen experts, this product enhances safety and efficiency.
Our cutting board is 100% BPA-Free, prioritizing your well-being. Enjoy worry-free food preparation without harmful chemicals. It's designed for easy, worry-free use, with vibrant colours and food icons to prevent cross-contamination as you switch between meat, vegetables, and fish.
In terms of material, it is crafted using high-compression polypropylene materials. This ensures durability and longevity in your kitchen.
It is an ideal travel companion for camping or fishing trips. Plus, it comes with a sleek, space-efficient holder that keeps your cutting boards organized and adds a touch of sophistication to your kitchen.
This all-in-one set enhances hygiene, style, and functionality.
Usage Instructions:
- Use soft sponges and neutral detergent for cleaning
- Wash it after cutting the ingredients to prevent staining
- Withstand temperatures up to 80-degree, if it warp due to hot water, it will naturally flatten back when cooled.
- Wash and air-dry it after use
Product Features:
- Sleek design holder
- Easy to clean
- Hygienic and long life made
- High-strength and durable
- Ideal for food preparation
- Use as a chopping board, serving board
- Cross-contamination solution
- 100% BPA-Free
Product Included:
- 3 x Cutting Board
- 1 x Cutting Board's Holder
Product Specification:

Brand: Giorno Felice
Country: Korea
Cutting Board Material: High Compression Polypropylene
Cutting Board Weight: 165g each
Cutting Board Dimension (L x W x H): 27.2cm x 18.4cm x 0.35cm each
Holder Material: ABS
Holder Weight: 146g
Holder Dimension (L x W x H): 22.5cm x 5.5cm x 14.5cm