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Jingle Jollys Christmas Tree 1.8m Xmas Tree Decorations Green 300 Tips

Get ready to elevate your Christmas celebration to a whole new level of enchantment with our Jingle Jollys Christmas Tree! Spruce up the occasion with these incredibly lifelike trees, adorned with generous PVC tips, just waiting for your favorite ornaments to shine. It flaunts symmetrical and compact design with bushy branches that will leave you in awe. Easy assembly and disassembly make storing them a breeze until the next yuletide season! Share the holiday spirit with our authentic-looking faux Christmas Tree and spread joy throughout this magical time of the year for all.
Counting down to Christmas! Get yours early to avoid busy logistics when approaching Christmas!
*Please note that ornaments are not included
6FT Green Fir Christmas Tree
Sturdy metal stand
Non-toxic and odour-free material
Simple set-up and disassembly, no tools required
Height: 6FT/ 180cm
No. of tips: 300
Tip material: PVC
Tree base material: Metal
Additional ornaments: No
Tree base diameter: 52cm
Assembly required: Yes
No. of packages: 1
Package Content
Jingle Jollys Christmas Tree x1
This product comes with 1 year warranty

Delivery excludes the following postcodes:
885, 2222, 2449, 2818, 2827, 2829, 2836, 2839, 2874, 2898, 3724, 4477
4490, 4626, 4822, 4871, 4875, 6044, 6209, 6224, 6290, 6442, 6536, 6562
6707, 6713, 6725, 6728, 6743, 6751, 6753, 6754, 7255, 7256, 7258, 7260