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Looking for hard to find Marilyn Monroe cushion covers? Worry no more, our Marilyn Monroe Retro Printed Square Cushion Cover 43 x 43 cm will complete your collection. It features the famous Marilyn Monroe design printed in retro colour tones that will add a vintage yet elegant look into your living room or bedroom. It is made from wrinkle resistant and lightweight Polyester fabric with long lasting quality and easy care properties.
- Marilyn Monroe Print Design
Set Includes:
- 1 x Cushion Cover - 43 x 43 cm
Colour Information:
- Retro Cars - Taupe, Black, Grey, White, Yellow, Red, Brown, Green, Teal
- Ballerina - Taupe, Black, Grey, White, Yellow, Red, Natural
- Super Star - White, Grey, Black, Charcoal
- Retro City - Taupe, Black, Grey, White, Brown
- Polyester
Care Instructions:

- Machine Wash Cover Separately
- See label for detailed instructions before first use
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Item received in a quick period of time and as described. I have it up and running for our business and it is amazing. Happy with the product and the seller. A++
Thanks guys. Very fast delivery. Loving the steam deck.
Battery life on this mobile is the best I’ve had from any brand.Does everything I need it to do at a fraction of the price of the big guns.Very Very Happy.
Sadly I thought the battery was not part of stick. To have to charge battery separately not a wall attachment. This makes it heavy and has a storage issue.
The canister is too small and messy to empty.
All in all not too impressed.
Absolutely perfect for what I needed it for. Cheers