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Olympus DM-720 Digital Voice Recorder
This Olympus DM-720 Voice Recorder is perfect for use at work, school, or university to record high-quality audio. It comes with a 3 microphone system to ensure that it captures the depth of the sound plus a zoom microphone capability allowing you to capture audio even from a distance in noisy areas. The device has an easy-to-use interface so you'll be able to operate it right away.
- The recorder comes with an inbuilt 4 GB memory.
- You can expand the memory capacity using microSD cards up to 32 GB.
- It is compatible with your Windows PC.
- It is easy to connect your recorder to your computer via the inbuilt USB.
- The recorder is powered by a rechargeable battery so you don't have to worry about carrying spares with you.
- It utilizes a Tresmic 3 microphone system which incorporates 2 microphones positioned at 90 degrees and an omnidirectional microphone in the middle to ensure the depth of sound is accurately captured.
- The voice playback feature allows you to easily skip sections of audio where voices aren't detected for easy transcription.
- If you're recording from a distance, the zoom microphone mode will help to minimize background noise from nearby.
- It also boasts an intelligent auto mode which will adjust the levels depending on the volumes being recorded.
- You can easily transfer your large files by breaking them into smaller sections using the File Divide option
The DM-720 features a three-microphone system that includes both directional and omnidirectional microphones to faithfully capture the depth and fullness of the sounds recorded. The stereo microphones are arranged at a 90° angle to produce a natural stereo experience, with an added central microphone to compensate for low-range sounds. This Tresmic combination provides a wide frequency range for the most demanding professionals.
- Brand
- Olympus
- Descriptive Colour
- Silver
- Manufacturer's Warranty
- 12 month
- Model Number
- DM-720
- Product Dimensions (mm)
- 130.5W x 43D x 155H mm
- Product Weight (kg)
- 0.26 kg
- Country of Manufacture
- Vietnam
- Part Number
- V414111SE000
- Battery Included
- Yes
- Number of Batteries Required
- 1
- Rechargeable Battery
- Yes
- Supported Battery Type
- NiMH
- Pack/Carton Quantity
- 1
- Total Individual Units
- 1
- Units Per Pack/Carton
- 1
Sound Input
- Microphone Operation Mode
- Omni-directional
- Microphone Type
- Built-in
- Digital Storage Capacity
- 4 GB
- Max Supported Memory Card Size
- 32 GB
- Supported Flash Memory Cards
- microSD
Tips for protecting your children online
In today's digital age, ensuring your children's safety while they browse the internet is paramount. As they explore the vast online world through smartphones, gaming consoles, laptops, and other devices, it's essential to implement measures to shield them from potentially harmful content and interactions. Here are some tips to help you safeguard your children online:
1. Communication is Key
Open and ongoing communication with your children about online safety is crucial. Discuss the potential dangers they may encounter online, such as pornography, cyberbullying, and violent content. Encourage them to come to you with any concerns or questions they may have.
2. Set Clear Boundaries
Establish clear rules and boundaries regarding internet usage. Define appropriate time limits for browsing and specify which websites and apps are off-limits. Make sure your children understand the consequences of violating these rules. You can also restrict some of these apps or online content utilising device level parental controls explained below.
3. Utilise Parental Controls
Take advantage of the parental control features available on devices and internet browsers. These controls allow you to block access to specific websites, set age-appropriate content filters, and monitor your children's online activities. Familiarise yourself with the parental control options on smartphones, gaming consoles, and laptops to effectively manage your children's online experiences.
4. Educate Yourself
Stay informed about the latest trends and technologies related to online safety. Familiarise yourself with popular social media platforms, gaming communities, and messaging apps that your children may use, including the functions they provide. This knowledge will help you understand the potential risks and take appropriate action to protect your children.
5. Monitor Their Online Activities
Regularly monitor your children's online activities to ensure they are adhering to the rules and staying safe. Keep an eye on their browsing history, social media interactions, and messaging apps. Be vigilant for any signs of cyberbullying or exposure to inappropriate content.
6. Encourage Safe Online Behavior
Teach your children about the importance of practicing safe online behavior. Remind them never to share personal information, such as their full name, address, or phone number, with strangers online. Encourage them to think critically about the content they encounter and to report anything that makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
7. Lead by Example
Be a positive role model for your children by demonstrating responsible and respectful online behavior yourself. Show them how to navigate the internet safely and responsibly, and emphasize the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy online.
8. Reporting abuse, making complaints and finding more information
For additional resources and guidance on online safety, visit the Australian e-Safety Commissioner's website at Here, you'll find a wealth of information, including tips for parents, educational resources for children, and tools for reporting online abuse and harassment.
You can also report abuse through the website’s online form.
By following these tips and utilising available resources, you can help keep your children safe from pornography, cyberbullying, violent content, and other unsafe material while they navigate the internet. Remember, proactive measures and open communication are key to fostering a safe and positive online environment for your family.