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SanDisk Extreme Pro CFXP 32GB CompactFlash 160MB/s (SDCFXPS-032G)

Get high-capacity storage, faster shot-to-shot performance, and cinema-quality video with the SanDisk Extreme PRO CompactFlash Memory Card. With transfer speeds of up to 160MB/s, this card offers the fast, efficient performance you expect from the global leader in flash memory cards. This industry-leading memory card is optimized for professional-grade video capture, with a minimum sustained write speed of 65MB/s for rich 4K and Full HD video. Capacities up to 256GB accommodate hours of video and thousands of high-resolution images. So you never miss a scene or shot, this memory card resists extreme temperatures, shock, and other conditions.
Designed for professional videographers and photographers
Optimized for 4K video capture
Transfer speeds of up to 160MB/s
Shot speeds up to 150MB/s
VPG-65 for sustained video recording speeds of 65MB/s
Performance/speed: Up to 160MB/s Read (1067X), 150MB/s Write (1000X)
Card dimension: 43 mm x 36 mm x 3.3 mm
Operating temperature: 25C to 85C
Storage temperature: 40C to -85C
Compatibility: Compatible with CompactFlash supporting host devices
Video Performance Guarantee (VPG) enabled
Applications: Store a variety of digital formats, including RAW and JPEG photos, Full HD videos, music and more
Support: one-year limited warranty
1 year downloadable RescuePRO media recovery software , for bringing accidentally deleted images back to life
Package Content
1 x SanDisk Extreme Pro CFXP 32GB CompactFlash 160MB/s (SDCFXPS-032G)