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These Set of 2 Embroidered Doilies will create a timeless inspiration to your dining table with its intricate floral embroidery design in mellow colour tones that create accent to your table. You can use this to decorate your plates, glass vase, or for food ornamentation. But aside from decorative function, it also protects your table from spills and scratches. It is made from quality and easy care Polyester fabric.
- Floral Embroidery Design
Set Includes:
- 2 x Doilies
Product Details:
- Floral 8 - 30 cm Diameter / cream , linen , brown , olive , yellow
- Floral 10 - 20 cm Diameter / cream , linen , brown , olive , pink
- Floral 11 - 20 cm Diameter / cream , linen , brown , olive , yellow
- 100% Polyester
Care Instructions:

- Machine Washable
- See label for detailed instructions before first use.